Sunday, 16 December 2018

Importance of school in the life of child

A school is a place where children are educated. We usually refer to this place as school. School can be an integral part of a child’s life. A child goes to school not just to gain knowledge or information but to learn the essential threads of group dynamics, adjustment, developing interpersonal skills to live in a connected world.

Children learn more about their surroundings through their sense of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Most of this skill children learn and develop from the school Such as reading, writing etc.

In school teachers playing key role in children life. They are well trained to handle the children's. The teachers are to take over many responsibilities, beginning with protection and ending on transmitting the knowledge and basic moral values. Without teacher there is no school and even key to success in one's life.

The first human contact in a child’s life is his mother. But as the child grows and develops, his needs and requirements evolve. The home cannot provide all these requirements. Thus comes the role of school. It equips a child to face all experiences necessary for his growth and development till he reaches level of maturity to face the world.

From the moment a baby is born, learning begins. Early education in the form of a preschool program can provide a consistent and solid foundation for education and formation. Early education in school is the key to creating the right environment for a child’s educational success. Children will learn habits and patterns that they will retain in later years and if teachers and parents can establish positive learning skills and social interaction skills early on, children will have the right tools to help them achieve success in the future.

Aside from learning academics, a child will also learn other important life skills such as teamwork, good manners, unity, sharing, and responsibility. Children are like sponges that will absorb almost everything that is taught to them. By allowing them to learn in a school setting while they are young, they can be molded into good, responsible, and hardworking individuals. The role of school in child development begins as early as pre-school and continues through childhood.

Schools provide a plethora of platforms through scholastics, co- scholastic activities, values through life skill education, personality development, sportsmanship spirit and team abilities, which help any child to evolve as a responsible individual.

Educating children in school helps them communicate better apart from appreciating and respecting others opinion. It helps one learn the expected norms of behaviour for living in a social environment, to think and act critically, follow a regimen, which helps a child develop self-discipline. The systematic and meticulous training by teachers helps a child learn better work ethics and understand the concept of healthy competition.

Tree living long and good life if roots are strong. Cyclones, flood are unable to destroy such strong tree same way school is the primary roots of children's life if children learned well in schools then they can face many challenges which comes on their way without any hesitation.

School life is a better life, and it was the high opportunity of our life which we had earned easily. After school life, we are missing so many memories in our mind. School life was very joyful and happy experience for us. There was a lot of fun and education which acquire ethical principles of life.

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