1) Crush 6 to 7 black pepper and mix it with honey and lick that mixture. Try this at night before going to bed. Please don't take even water after it.
2) Take 200 gm onion, 2 gm ginger, 10 gm. black pepper 4 - 5 pieces of big peepal and 250 gm. candy sugar. Crush them well. Then add enough pure ghee so as to dip all the crushed powder and boil well. Take this mixture 2 to 4 spoonfui 3 times daily. But every time eat it hot. It will remove cough of any type within 2 -3 days.
3) Bake one piece of mineral salt on fire. Then dip it in half glass of water and take the piece out. Drink this water.
4) Heat the mixture of 10 gm. ginger's juice with 10 gm. honey. Take this twice daily. This remedy is too good for cough and asthma. Avoid all sourl eatabies, curd, Lassi etc.
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