1) After food both the times do take anise seed (chew it very well). Within very few days bad breath will go away and it will improve digestion.
2) Every morning chew well at least 4 leaves of Tulsi (holy basil) and drink water on it to get rid of l bad breath.
3) Every morning one must gargle with a glass of water with lemon juice in it.
4) After meal suck a clove to remove bad smell.
5) Take pomegranate peel's powder 4 grams with water to get rid of bad breath. Gargle with water boiled with peels of pomegranate.
6) Use of roasted cumin seeds also helps.
7) Eating coriander seed gives good smell It must be taken after meal.
8) Gargle with a spoonful of ginger juice in a glass of hot water will help to remove bad breath.