This Prayer was found in the Sepulchre of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the year 803 and was sent by the Pope to the Emperor Charles on the evening of his departure as he went to battle, for his safety. Whoever reads or hear it read or wears it on him will never die a sudden death,nor be drowned,or burn,or any poison effect him, or be a prisoner of war or be vanquished And if read over any woman in labour pain she shall be delivered safely and when the child is born let her place this prayer on the right side of the child and it shall never be troubled by any misfortune. Whoever carries this prayer with him wiil never have any epileptic attack and if you see anyone having fits place this prayer on his right side and he will be ured immediately Whoever, writes this prayer for himself or for others, I will bless him says the Lord, but whoever mocks or laughs at it will suffer. Belięve this for certain, when this prayer is in the house. the house will be safely guarded of thunder and lightning. and whoever reads this prayer daily will be warned three days before his death.
Oh, Adorable Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, you have suffered death on the Cross, for our sins. Oh Holy Cross of Jesus, be my true light!Oh, Holy Cross fill my soul with good thoughts. Oh Holy Crossward off from me all things that are evil. Oh, Holy Cross ward off from me all dangers and deaths and give me life everlasting! Oh, Crucified Jesus of Nazareth, have mercy on me now and forever. In honour of the Precious Blood of Jesus, his
death, resurrection and ascension which lead to everlasting life; true as Jesus was born on Chtistmas Day; true as Jesus was crucified on Good Friday; true as Joseph and Nicodemus took Jesus down ftom the cross and burried Him; true as Jesus ascended into Heaven, may He preserve me from my enemies visible and invisible forever. Oh, Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me! Mary and Joseph, pray for me. Lord Jesus Christ through your suffering the Cross grant me strength to bear the cross without fear or dread and give me the grace that I may follow You AMEN.
Oh, Adorable Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, you have suffered death on the Cross, for our sins. Oh Holy Cross of Jesus, be my true light!Oh, Holy Cross fill my soul with good thoughts. Oh Holy Crossward off from me all things that are evil. Oh, Holy Cross ward off from me all dangers and deaths and give me life everlasting! Oh, Crucified Jesus of Nazareth, have mercy on me now and forever. In honour of the Precious Blood of Jesus, his
death, resurrection and ascension which lead to everlasting life; true as Jesus was born on Chtistmas Day; true as Jesus was crucified on Good Friday; true as Joseph and Nicodemus took Jesus down ftom the cross and burried Him; true as Jesus ascended into Heaven, may He preserve me from my enemies visible and invisible forever. Oh, Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me! Mary and Joseph, pray for me. Lord Jesus Christ through your suffering the Cross grant me strength to bear the cross without fear or dread and give me the grace that I may follow You AMEN.
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