Saturday, 9 February 2019

Home remedies for FEVER


1) In a bowl of lukewarm water add a pinch of salt and drink it. Repeat it for 3 to 4 times a day.

2) Take holy basil leaves and black pepper in equal quantity. Mix them well and make small pils. Dry them and store it in bottle. In case of fever to child grind one pill and on case of adult in grind two pills with honey and lick it. Do it in morning and evening.


1) In season of malaria, take 4 leaves of Holy basil and 4 pieces of black pepper crush them well and make small pills. Swallow or chew this pill to avoid malaria.

2) In alum powder mix well sugar four times in proportion. Give 2 gms of it with lukewarm water at interval of two hours thrice a day. Do it before one hour from starting of cold and fever. Just after three doses improvement can be seen.


1) Mix a pinch of Cinnamon powder with 2 spoonful of honey. Take this mixture two times a day. This will save you from typhoid.

2) Boil five numbers of clove in two litres of water, till the water remains half. Sift the water and drink it for 4-5 times a day daily. When patient is thirsty give only boiled water. Orange juice in milk or orange after milk is also very useful.

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