1) Lick the mixture of half spoon of butter, half spoon of candy sugar, and 1/4 spoon of black pepper. After that eat 2-3 pieces kernel of raw coconut. Lastly chew well some anise seeds. Continue this remedy for 2-3 months in the morning.
2) Walk barefooted on green meadow lawn at sunrise which is wet due to the whole full night dew. It benefits to have powerful eyesight and it also helps the body.
3) Wash eyes with your own urine. After 30 minutes wash eyes with plain water. Please do continue this treatmert every morning. It will help to cure many other eyes related diseases too. After some time even two times a week is enough. This remedy aiso helps in reducing number of spectacles.
4) Every day take fresh amla juice with honey to improve the vision. Even it helps to cure cornea and other eye related diseases.
1) Due to many reasons this problem arises. Mainly Stomach problems, unbalanced diet, mental stress, weak Iiver etc are the reason for black circles around eyes and when the causes are over come the black circles go away .
2) Eveny day apply milk crearn on black Circles or cut a potato from center and keep it on the center of eyes and lay down. Wash the eyes after 30 minutes.
3) Rub slice of cucumber on black. Circles In the season of carrot make fine pieces of it using grater and add juice of cucumber & then apply it on black shades. Take this treatment for 15 to 20 days.
In summer season eyes become red, it pains and sometimes there is excess itching in the eyes. To over come this problem put few drops of cow's milk in eyes by dropper for 2 to 3 days. Don't use chilly-spicy or sour food or fuits for 2-3 days.
1) Tie bandage of crushed pomegranate on the eyes.
2) Take a pinch of opium Diltute it in hot water. Smear it on the eye lids to stop pain in the eyes.
3) 2-2 drops of sour grapes juice in the paining eyes gives relief.
1) Inhale mustard mixed with honey while the problem of watering eyes occurs.
2) Eat roasted guava to stop the watering of eye.
3) Boil one garlic in 60 gm of mustard oil. Use this oil to message on chest, neck and around ears. Within three days watering of eyes will stop.
Take grapes juice and make its pulp by reducing its quantity by burning on fire. Allow it to cool down and store it in bottle. Apply it in eyes as collyrium (kajal) at bed time and the itching will stop.
1) Just in the beginning of the problem, one must take amla juice with little of water every morning and evening for 4 days. Then the results are beter.
2) Rub potato on clean stone and apply the paste every morning and evening. Smoky eyesight will be normal.
3) The eyesight will improve by putting few drops of extract of white onion in eyes. Also it helps to cure many other diseases of eyes. Dip a cotton twig in white onion's extract and dry it. Now burn it in sesame oil and make callyrium (kajal). Use this kajal to remove the problern.
1) In the initial stage of cataract put one drop of honey in eye for a month. It increases the clarity of eye balls and stress on the eyes reduces. Regular use of honey improves the eyesight and it is useful to cure other eyes related problems.
2) Prepare mixture of 10 gms white onion juice, 10 gms honey and 2 gms of Bhimseni camphor and store it in a bottle. Apply it on eyes by small glass pin before bed time. This helps to control the size of cataract.
Crush the mixture of 250 gms of almond, 10 gms of poppy seeds and 10 gms of black pepper and roast the mixture in pure ghee. Add 100 gms of candy Sugar to this mixture. Take 2 spoonful of this mixture. every morning at empty stomach. Eyesight improves and in about 6 months you will be free from spectacles.
Note: Diabetic and Low appetite patiants should not expeniment above formula.